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"At Goldencare Hospice and Palliative care, every patient is unique.  


We LOVE those you love the most.


We ELEVATE the standard of Care - one Client at a time!


We offer emotional and medical support, holistic and compassionate care to ENSURE optimal quality of Life. 


We serve the community by embracing patients and families through their end of life transition with dignity, respect, and comfort - celebrating the life and legacy of those entrusted in our care.

Our Mission


To provide the highest quality individualized care to patients who face life-limiting illnesses. We believe the patient and family are one. We extend our support and services to our patients, their families, caregivers, and the communities we serve.

Our teams provide services in nursing or assisted living facilities, personal residences, or wherever people call home.  Goldencare Hospice staff includes physicians who are board-certified in hospice ​and palliative medicine and highly qualified RNs, nurse practitioners, CNAs, social workers, chaplains, and bereavement counselors.  We also have a vibrant team of volunteers, serving both patients and families. 



A Team Approach to Care


Patient and Family: At all times, the patient and family are in the center of our care. Your goals

and needs drive the entire Hospice plan of care.  


Attending Physician: Remains your primary doctor and works closely with Hospice for symptom management.


Medical Director: Oversees all clinical aspects of Hospice and directs the team in managing pain and symptoms. 


Nurse Care Manager: Provides direct care and coordinates pain and symptom management, medical equipment, supplies, and additional Hospice services. You will have a primary nurse and additional nurse support is available 24/7.

Home Health Aide: Provides personal care such as bathing and assistance in activities of daily living,  assesses your comfort level and provides emotional support. 


Social Worker: Assesses patient and family emotional, social, and financial needs and assists in funeral arrangements, advance directives, caregiving issues.

Chaplain: Provides spiritual support for the patient and family across all denominations and can connect you with specific religious organizations and ceremonies at your request. 


Volunteers: Volunteers provide any number of supportive needs, such as assistance in errands, life review, legacy projects, a bedside presence, or the gift of music. 


Bereavement Coordinator: Our Bereavement Coordinator will ensure you are coping

effectively and provide you with our bereavement care and connect you to other resources

in the community.

Levels of Care

Routine Care: On any given day, the majority of patients on hospice receive this level of care.

Routine Care is provided in your home, nursing home, or wherever you call home.  This level of care

includes regular visits in the home by the Goldencare Family Hospice & Palliative Care team for symptom management, assistance in personal care, and psychosocial care. 


Respite Care: Because Hospice provides care for the entire family, the Respite Care benefit provides the family with a break from caregiving duties.  If you decide you would like to utilize Respite Care, the patient will be temporarily transferred to a nearby nursing home of your choice for up to 5 days. After 5 days, the patient returns home.

Goldencare Hospice & Palliative Care will coordinate all the details and all costs are covered by Hospice.


General Inpatient Care:  There may be times when pain and symptom management cannot be managed at home or if a patient is in the hospital and too unstable to transfer home for Hospice care.  

In those instances, Hospice care is provided in the hospital and the Goldencare Hospice & Palliative Care team provides care and support to the patient and family bedside at the hospital along with their care staff. 


Continuous Care: In the event of a sudden change in condition which requires additional skilled nursing care bedside in your home, you may receive Continuous Care until by the Hospice care team until symptoms are managed. This level of care is rarely required but it is available for short-term moments of crisis.

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